Products overview

Configuring your products to achieve what you need.




What's a product?

Your products are the building blocks to your whole build and configuration. Products always appear within at least one set category within the menu and can have multiple functions.

Products can be one of four different types which allows them to be much more functional and useful across all different areas of the device to cover a broad range of needs.

Products are used as information displays for specific items or areas. These could include  orderable breakfast items or local park information for example. Products can also display imagery, PDF attachments, weblinks and more. 

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Product configuration

Products have many available features and extras that can be used in a variety of specific situations, however some parts of a product are always likely to be used.

Prices - All products can be given a price amount. Some products may not need a price however it is very common to add pricing to products, especially products which are orderable items.

Descriptions - Product pages display a large text window which can be used for block text descriptions. All products should contain some information within their description field as this is necessary for displaying key information relating to the topic of the product.

Schedules - Like categories, schedules can be applied more directly to individual products. This can ensure that this product is not shown or not orderable outside of specific hours that can be adjusted as needed.

Product types

Products can take on one of four different product types and these will determine how the product functions.

Normal - Normal products are the standard default a product will be set to. Normal products act as orderable items that will enter the cart/basket when selected. These can have set prices and are often seen within orderable menu items such as breakfast or dinner items.

Directory - Directory products will display in an identical way to a normal product however the option to add this product to your basket wont be available. Directory products work as information displays mostly and are commonly used within a guest directory to give information on properties policies etc.

Service Items - Service items work similarly to normal products however, instead of the product being placed into a cart/basket. The product becomes a service and when requested will bypass the cart and go directly to a staff console.

Web Links - Web link products work very similarly to directory products however web link products gain a button which will act as a link to a destination point, which is often an external website.

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Product imagery & view layouts

Products can and should contain at least one main image to keep the product engaging. Imagery can be added by navigating to the Images tab inside the product.

There are some key boxes you will need to tick in order for your image to display where you need to. Product Branding, Product Vertical Product Icon should always be ticked to ensure an image appears correctly. AppLess Product Banner should be ticked if AppLess is configured.

Product view layouts will affect how the text and image works together inside the product. Wide Image is selected as standard but Narrow Image can also be used in instances where you have more text in the product description.

Product Attachments

Attachments are a great tool that can be used within all product types which allows you to display extra information without taking up too much space in the product description.

Attachments are most commonly document or weblinks. A great example of a product attachment is PDF menu, if your product is centered around one of your on-property restaurants, you may want to add the menu to the product for the guest to open and read.

Attachments can be added from the attachment tab within the product. Simply select your attachment type and upload the relevant files or links to successfully apply it to the product.

It is worth noting, all attachments require a thumbnail due to the nature in which they appear on devices. (90) (68)

Tax Tariffs

Tax tariffs are used to apply to adjust VAT levels to individual products and work via a percentage rate.

Tax tariffs are used specifically for AppLess mobile builds and hence if an AppLess configuration is already created, the tax tariff field within a product will be red and compulsory.

A tax tariff is required to be assigned to all products in an AppLess instance. If your product requires no additional VAT information, please select the Tax Free option from the drop down.

Tax tariffs can be made in the CMS under Products -> Tax Tariffs and hence can be assigned to all products in the menu once made.

Markdown Usage

Products descriptions have the capability to work alongside markdown coding. Markdown allows for some extra functionality within descriptions whilst also adding to the style, design and structure of the product.

Markdown is commonly used to insert images into product descriptions but can also be used to insert line breaks and adjust text styles such as making text bold, italic or a heading.

Please see useful markdown code that can be used in your descriptions;

Insert Line Break - '---'

Insert Image - '![Name](Imagelink)'

Heading Text - '## text'

Bold Text - '**text**'

Italic Text - '*text*' (69)

Speak to the team

Our team is always on hand to help with any content requirements you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

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UK: +44 (0)330 403 0144

US: +1 877.778.7621                                                                                                          


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